jeudi 31 mars 2011

Anger and intolerance are the ....

Anger and intolerance are the enemies of correct understanding.


Happiness is when what you think, what.....

Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.


It is health that is real wealth .....

It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver.


The weak can never forgive.....

The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.


The history of the world is full of men .....

The history of the world is full of men who rose to leadership, by sheer force of self-confidence, bravery and tenacity.


How wonderful it is that nobody need wait ...

How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.

Anne Frank

Everyone has inside himself a piece....

Everyone has inside himself a piece of good news! The good news is that you really don't know how great you can be, how much you can love, what you can accomplish, and what your potential is!

Anne Frank

Parents can only give good advice .....

Parents can only give good advice or put them on the right paths, but the final forming of a person's character lies in their own hands.

Anne Frank

Laziness may appear attractive, but....

Laziness may appear attractive, but work gives satisfaction.

Anne Frank

Think of all the beauty ....

Think of all the beauty still left around you and be happy.

Anne Frank

Just before consumers stop doing something, they .....

Just before consumers stop doing something, they do it with a vengeance.

Faith Popcorn

mercredi 30 mars 2011

If you want to expand your mind, you must ....

If you want to expand your mind, you must write. I don't mean you must write books, newspaper stories, or magazine article, I mean you must write. You must learn to put your thoughts and ideas down on paper.

Alice Potter

If you present a positive attitude, you will attract.....

If you present a positive attitude, you will attract all the things you want out in life: friends, success, fulfillment and,above all, hapiness and peace of mind.

Alice Potter

Responsability could also be defined as .....

Responsability could also be defined as the ability to respond to the many life situations and challenges that we all face daily.

Alice Potter

Relationship is an investment, an investment in .....

Relationship is an investment, an investment in time, energy, and emotion, and as such, it can be the most important investment you will ever make.

Alice Potter

I am optimistic and confident in all that I do. I affirm ....

I am optimistic and confident in all that I do. I affirm only the best for myself and others. I am the creator of my life and my world. I meet daily challenges gracefully and with complete confidence. I fill my mind with positive, nurturing, and healing thoughts.

Alice Potter

mardi 29 mars 2011

Dans cinq ans, tu seras la même personne que ....

Dans cinq ans, tu seras la même personne que tu es aujourd'hui, à l'exception de deux choses: les gens dont tu te seras entouré et les livres que tu auras lus.

Charlie Jones
Extraits du livre: Vivre libre sans peur de Mark Matteson

Les livres que tu ne lis pas ne peuvent pas ......

Les livres que tu ne lis pas ne peuvent pas t'aider. Les gens qui ne lisent pas ne sont pas mieux que ceux qui ne savent pas lire.

Jim Rohn
Extraits du livre: Vivre libre sans peur de Mark Matteson

Sois un étudiant et non un suiveur.

Sois un étudiant et non un suiveur.

Extraits du livre: Vivre libre sans peur de Mark Matteson

Laisse tes croyances et ta philosophie devenir ......

Laisse tes croyances et ta philosophie devenir le produit de ta conclusion personnelle.

Extraits du livre: Vivre libre sans peur de Mark Matteson

Ça n'a aucun sens de s'inquiéter, c'est ....

Ça n'a aucun sens de s'inquiéter, c'est une mauvaise utilisation de notre imagination.

extraits du livre: Vivre libre sans peur de Mark Matteson

samedi 26 mars 2011

Be yourself; everyone ....

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.

Oscar Wilde

Some cause happiness wherever ....

Some cause happiness wherever they go; others whenever they go.

Oscar Wilde

I am so clever that sometimes I don't ...

I am so clever that sometimes I don't understand a single word of what I am saying.

Oscar Wilde

We are all in the gutter, but some .....

We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.

Oscar Wilde

A positive attitude may not solve .....

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

Herm Albright

I am extraordinarily patient, provided.....

I am extraordinarily patient, provided I get my own way in the end.

Margaret Thatcher

I always cheer up immensely if an attack is .....

I always cheer up immensely if an attack is particularly wounding because I think, well, if they attack one personally, it means they have not a single political argument left.

Margaret Thatcher

A man may climb Everest for himself, but ....

A man may climb Everest for himself, but at the summit he plants his country’s flag.

Margaret Thatcher

My policies are based not on some economics theory, but on ....

My policies are based not on some economics theory, but on things I and millions like me were brought up with: an honest day’s work for an honest day’s pay; live within your means; put by a nest egg for a rainy day; pay your bills on time; support the police.

Margaret Thatcher

It pays to know the enemy – not least because ....

It pays to know the enemy – not least because at some time you may have the opportunity to turn him into a friend.

Margaret Thatcher

vendredi 25 mars 2011

I like nonsense, it wakes up the.....

I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living.

Dr. Seuss

The more that you read, the more things you....

The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.

Dr. Seuss

You have brains in your head. You have feet ....

You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. You're on your own.And you know what you know. You are the guy who'll decide where to go.

Dr. Seuss

You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because....

You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.”

Dr. Seuss

Don't cry because it's over. Smile ....

Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened.

Dr. Seuss

mercredi 16 mars 2011

We wish nothing more, but we will accept ...

We wish nothing more, but we will accept nothing less. Masters in our own house we must be, but our house is the whole of Canada.

Pierre Elliott Trudeau

There is no such thing as a model or ideal Canadian. What could ....

There is no such thing as a model or ideal Canadian. What could be more absurd than the concept of an "all Canadian" boy or girl? A society which emphasizes uniformity is one which creates intolerance and hate.

Pierre Elliott Trudeau

The essential ingredient....

The essential ingredient of politics is timing.

Pierre Elliott Trudeau

Be ready when opportunity comes...Luck ...

Be ready when opportunity comes...Luck is the time when preparation and opportunity meet.

Pierre Elliott Trudeau

Canada is a country whose main exports ....

Canada is a country whose main exports are hockey players and cold fronts. Our main imports are baseball players and acid rain.

Pierre Elliott Trudeau

mardi 15 mars 2011

We must never forget that art ....

We must never forget that art is not a form of propaganda; it is a form of truth.

John F. Kennedy

If a free society cannot help the many ....

If a free society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich.

John F. Kennedy

There are risks and costs to a program ....

There are risks and costs to a program of action. But they are far less than the long-range risks and costs of comfortable inaction.

John F. Kennedy

If we cannot end now our differences, at least we ....

If we cannot end now our differences, at least we can help make the world safe for diversity.

John F. Kennedy

Change is the law of life. And those who ....

Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future.

John F. Kennedy

samedi 12 mars 2011

The very purpose of religion is to control yourself, not to ....

The very purpose of religion is to control yourself, not to criticize others. Rather, we must criticize ourselves. How much am I doing about my anger? About my attachment, about my hatred, about my pride, my jealousy? These are the things which we must check in daily life.

Dalai Lama

A dog is the only thing on this earth that ...

A dog is the only thing on this earth that loves you more than he loves himself.

Josh Billings

I don't believe the federal government should be involved

I don't believe the federal government should be involved in retirement. I think it's too important to leave it to the government.

Peter Schiff, who forecast the U.S. housing bust and the meltdown.

If you do not change direction, you ...

If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading.

Lao Tzu

If you light a lamp for somebody, it ....

If you light a lamp for somebody, it will also brighten your own path.

Buddhist Saying

A flower falls even though we ....

A flower falls even though we love it and a weed grows even though we do not love.

Dogen Zenji

He who asks a question is a fool for ...

He who asks a question is a fool for a minute; he who does not remains a fool forever.

Chinese Proverb

A wise man makes his own decisions, an....

A wise man makes his own decisions, an ignorant man follows the public opinion.

Chinese Proverb

Although gold dust is precious, when it....

Although gold dust is precious, when it gets in your eyes, it obstructs your vision.


jeudi 10 mars 2011

Respect human talent, respond to genius, recognize ...

Respect human talent, respond to genius, recognize reality, admire truth and beauty, realize the meaning of the rare flower Reason.

Peter Nivio Zarlenga

When you do not know what you are doing and ....

When you do not know what you are doing and what you are doing is the best, that is inspiration.

Robert Bresson

As a poet there is only one political ....

As a poet there is only one political duty, and that is to defend one's language against corruption. When it is corrupted, people lose faith in what they hear and this leads to violence.

W. H. Auden

It is a sad fact about our culture ....

It is a sad fact about our culture that a poet can earn much more money writing or talking about his art than he can by practicing it.

W. H. Auden

The most powerful force possessed by the individual citizen is .....

The most powerful force possessed by the individual citizen is her own government. ... Government is the only organized mechanism that makes possible that level of shared disinterest known as the public good.

John Ralston Saul

Tromper une amitié c'est aussi ...

Tromper une amitié c'est aussi pire que de tromper une liaison.

Michel Tremblay

Ce n'est pas l'expérience qui ....

Ce n'est pas l'expérience qui compte, c'est le mensonge bien organisé.

Michel Tremblay

C'est drôle comme les choses peuvent ....

C'est drôle comme les choses peuvent changer d'aspect, parfois, lorsqu'on les regarde d'un point de vue différent de celui sous lequel on les a toujours connues.

Michel Tremblay

La musique. C'est un cadeau de ....

La musique. C'est un cadeau de la vie. Ça existe pour consoler. Pour récompenser. Ça aide à vivre.

Michel Tremblay

Quand on crée, on ....

Quand on crée, on perd la notion des choses.

Michel Tremblay

mercredi 9 mars 2011

Saviez vous # 108

La lettre J vaut huit au scrabble

Saviez vous # 107

John Manolesco, astrologue montréalais fut une cible particulière du maire Jean Drapeau.

Saviez vous # 106

Le par cinq est le seul trou au golf auquel un double-eagle est possible.

Saviez vous # 105

La sélection du nom de groupe québécois Octobre a grandement été inspiré d'une crise politique ayant eu lieu en ce mois d'automne.

Saviez vous # 104

La Cité du Vatican est le plus petit État indépendant

mardi 8 mars 2011

Sometimes I think if I had the same body ....

Sometimes I think if I had the same body and the same natural ability and someone else's brain, who knows how good a player I might have been.

Mickey Mantle

If I knew I'd live this long, I would have ....

If I knew I'd live this long, I would have taken better care of myself.

Mickey Mantle

After I hit a home run I had a habit of running the ....

After I hit a home run I had a habit of running the bases with my head down. I figured the pitcher already felt bad enough without me showing him up rounding the bases.

Mickey Mantle

If people don't want to come out to the ....

If people don't want to come out to the ballpark, how are you going to stop them?

Yogi Berra

The reality is that ......

The reality is that players can't play forever.

Cal Ripken Jr

I'd like to be remembered. I'd like to think ......

I'd like to be remembered. I'd like to think that someday two guys will be talking in a bar and one of them will say something like, Yeah, he's a good shortstop, but he's not as good as ole Ripken was.

Cal Ripken Jr

So many good things have happened to me in the game ...

So many good things have happened to me in the game of baseball. When I do allow myself a chance to think about it, it's almost like a storybook career. You feel so blessed to have been able to compete this long.

Cal Ripken Jr

Early in my career, I decided I ....

Early in my career, I decided I never wanted to get out of shape.

Cal Ripken Jr

dimanche 6 mars 2011

One of the great cosmic laws, I think, is ....

One of the great cosmic laws, I think, is that whatever we hold in our thought will come true in our experience.

Richard Bach

Three feet of ice does not result

Three feet of ice does not result from one day of freezing weather.

Chinese Proverb

But in the end all religions tend to point to the ....

But in the end all religions tend to point to the same light. In between the light and us, sometimes there are too many rules.

Paulo Coelho

For me, the spiritual quest ....

For me, the spiritual quest will be a life-long work in progress.

Dan Brown

It was inspiring to be around these ....

It was inspiring to be around these people who are in the field every day helping people who help people.

Angelina Jolie

I honestly believe that the role I can most usefully ...

I honestly believe that the role I can most usefully play is to change the minds of the American people.

Al Gore

I think we pull the trigger on divorce in America ....

I think we pull the trigger on divorce in America way too quickly. I think if you're going to get a divorce, you've got to earn your way out, and that means you've got to do all the work. You have to turn over every stone, investigate every avenue of rehabilitation you can before you quit.

Dr. Phil

I'll promise you the worst possible thing ...

I'll promise you the worst possible thing we can ever do, is have suffering with no meaning and no purpose.

Dr. Phil

Basically, a human being is a ....

Basically, a human being is a social animal. So, if you create some short moment of happiness for people, you get deep satisfaction.

Dalai Lama

It's clear to me that Karma is ....

It's clear to me that Karma is at the very heart of the universe. I'm absolutely sure of it. And yet, along comes this idea called Grace to upend all that "as you reap, so you will sow" stuff.


To me, women are by far the most important.....

To me, women are by far the most important group. But I also think that elders are extremely important.

David Suzuki

The one thing I feel is very hopeful, however...

The one thing I feel is very hopeful, however, is the overwhelming participation of women in the movement for change.

David Suzuki

With an estimated population of nine ....

With an estimated population of nine billion people by 2050, we cannot continue to consume resources at the same rate and maintain our quality of life.

David Suzuki

Everywhere we look, human activities are ....

Everywhere we look, human activities are tearing at the very fabric of life on Earth.

David Suzuki

Aboriginal people are key because they have a different....

Aboriginal people are key because they have a different sense of where we belong and how we interact with nature.

David Suzuki

vendredi 4 mars 2011

Chacune de nos lectures ....

Chacune de nos lectures laisse une graine qui germe.

Jules Renard

No intelligent idea can gain ....

No intelligent idea can gain general acceptance unless some stupidity is mixed in with it.

Fernando Pessoa

The political lesson of Watergate is

The political lesson of Watergate is this: Never again must America allow an arrogant, elite guard of political adolescents to by-pass the regular party organization and dictate the terms of a national election.

Gerald Ford

It's discouraging how hard it is for a President ....

It's discouraging how hard it is for a President to slice any large chunks from a $305 billion budget.

Gerald Ford

A government big enough to give you ....

A government big enough to give you everything you want is a government big enough to take from you everything you have.

Gerald Ford

jeudi 3 mars 2011

It is reasonable to have perfection in our ......

It is reasonable to have perfection in our eye that we may always advance toward it, though we know it can never be reached.

Samuel Johnson

The usual fortune of complaint is

The usual fortune of complaint is to excite contempt more than pity.

Samuel Johnson

If a man does not make new acquaintances as he advances ...

If a man does not make new acquaintances as he advances through life, he will soon find himself alone. A man should keep his friendships in constant repair.

Samuel Johnson

Everything has beauty, but not....

Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it.


Old age, believe me, is a good and pleasant thing....

Old age, believe me, is a good and pleasant thing. It is true you are gently shouldered off the stage, but then you are given such a comfortable front stall as spectator.


Ignorance is the night of the

Ignorance is the night of the mind, but a night without moon and star.


What the superior man seeks is in .....

What the superior man seeks is in himself; what the small man seeks is in others.


If only the people who worry about their ....

If only the people who worry about their liabilities would think about the riches they do possess, they would stop worrying.

Dale Carnegie

Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds .....

Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy.

Dale Carnegie

Today is life-the only life you are sure of. Make the most ....

Today is life-the only life you are sure of. Make the most of today. Get interested in something. Shake yourself awake. Develop a hobby. Let the winds of enthusiasm sweep through you. Live today with gusto.

Dale Carnegie

Don't be afraid to give your best to what seemingly are .....

Don't be afraid to give your best to what seemingly are small jobs. Every time you conquer one it makes you that much stronger. If you do the little jobs well, the big ones will tend to take care of themselves.

Dale Carnegie

You can make more friends in two months by ......

You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you.

Dale Carnegie

Any fool can criticize, condemn, and ....

Any fool can criticize, condemn, and complain, and most fools do.

Dale Carnegie

mercredi 2 mars 2011

Dans le Tao, il y a de la réalité, de...

Dans le Tao, il y a de la réalité, de l’efficacité, mais il n’agit, ni n’a de forme. On peut l’obtenir, mais non pas le voir. Il est à lui-même tronc et racine. Avant qu’il n’y ait eut ciel et terre, il a existé de toute éternité. Il donne leur pouvoir aux esprits des morts et des ancêtres royaux ; il donne la vie au Ciel et à la Terre.


Je ne perçois plus avec les yeux mais appréhende avec ....

Je ne perçois plus avec les yeux mais appréhende avec mon esprit. Là où s’arrête la connaissance sensorielle, c’est le désir de l’esprit qui a libre cours.


Celui qui a planté un arbre avant ....

Celui qui a planté un arbre avant de mourir n'a pas vécu inutilement.

Proverbe Africain

Si tu regardes une image très laide, vérifies ....

Si tu regardes une image très laide, vérifies que ce ne soit pas ton reflet...

Proverbe Africain

Si tu sèmes une épine, quand elle ....

Si tu sèmes une épine, quand elle poussera, elle te piquera

Proverbe Africain

Si tu te tappes la tête contre une cruche et ....

Si tu te tappes la tête contre une cruche et que sa sonne creux,
n'en déduis pas forcément que c'est la cruche qui est vide…

Proverbe Africain

Chaque fleur est une âme à la Nature .....

Chaque fleur est une âme à la Nature éclose;
Un mystère d'amour dans le métal repose,
"Tout est sensible!" Et tout sur ton être est puissant.
Crains, dans le mur aveugle, un regard qui t'épie
A la matière même un verbe est attaché…


Ne commence rien dont tu puisses te repentir dans la .....

Ne commence rien dont tu puisses te repentir dans la suite. Garde-toi d'entreprendre ce que tu ne sais pas faire, et commence par t'instruire de ce que tu dois savoir. C'est ainsi que tu mèneras une vie délicieuse.


Connaitre, c'est ou bien monter au ciel .....

Connaitre, c'est ou bien monter au ciel et voir, ou bien plonger en soi-meme pour recevoir le ciel et se souvenir.


Qui n'est pas capable d'être pauvre .....

Qui n'est pas capable d'être pauvre n'est pas capable d'être libre.

Victor Hugo

La poésie est de toutes les choses ....

La poésie est de toutes les choses humaines la plus voisine des choses divines.

Victor Hugo

Lorsqu'on jette un regard sur la création, une sorte ....

Lorsqu'on jette un regard sur la création, une sorte de musique mystérieuse apparaît sous cette géométrie splendide ; la nature est une symphonie ; tout y est cadence et mesure ; et l'on pourrait presque dire que Dieu a fait le monde en vers.

Victor Hugo

La vie n'est qu'une longue perte de tout ce qu'on ......

La vie n'est qu'une longue perte de tout ce qu'on aime. L'eau qui ne court pas fait un marais, l'esprit qui ne travaille pas fait un sot.

Victor Hugo

La vérité est comme le soleil. Elle

La vérité est comme le soleil. Elle fait tout voir et ne se laisse pas regarder.

Victor Hugo

A force de lire et de lire, le monde est mort,et ....

A force de lire et de lire, le monde est mort,et nul n'est devenu savant.


mardi 1 mars 2011

We're from the even more religious area, Utah Valley, and I remember.....

We're from the even more religious area, Utah Valley, and I remember as I grew up parents would move their kids aside when I would walk by.

Jeph Howard

We wondered how did they do this, how did ....

We wondered how did they do this, how did they manage it, how did they get the material and the human resources ... the discipline?

Von Hardesty

Every man is guilty of all the ....

Every man is guilty of all the good he didn't do.


It is dangerous to be right in matters on....

It is dangerous to be right in matters on which the established authorities are wrong.


Whenever a man does a thoroughly stupid ....

Whenever a man does a thoroughly stupid thing, it is always from the noblest motives.

Oscar Wilde

A generous heart, kind speech, a life .....

A generous heart, kind speech, a life of service, compassion are the things which renew humanity.


If you light a lamp for someone .....

If you light a lamp for someone else it will also brighten your path.


The people who are the

The people who are the hardest to love are the ones who need it the most.

Peaceful Warrior

Don’t let the noise of others ...

Don’t let the noise of others opinions drown out your inner voice.

Steve Jobs

Everything that irritates us about others can .....

Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.

Carl Gustav Jung